INSEAD Taiwan Monthly gathering

Tech Talk: Cybersecurity for companies

  • Overview of the importance of cybersecurity for companies and why it is often overlooked
  • Common Cybersecurity threats faced by businesses (including some examples in Taiwan)
  • Understanding Cybersecurity frameworks and best practices to keep a company secure
  • Current and future compliance regulatory requirements
  • Emerging trends & emerging threats
  • Threats that are specific to brands
  • Learning resources to become better in cybersecurity


Thomas Kuiper, founder of INXSOFT (active for 20+ years in the Internet industry)

Date & Time

Thursday AprilĀ  11, 2024 starting 7 PM


Craft House Taipei (Restaurant)

Google Maps:


Free of charge (please order some food & drinks from the restaurant). For questions or special dietary needs contact [email protected]

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